Walking the Hackintosh (3):Post-installation. Setting up for the environment. :ハッキントッシュの歩き方(3):ポストインストール。環境に合わせた設定。


1.Walking the Hackintosh (3):Post-installation. Setting up for the environment.
(1) Know your environment (as a matter of course),Prepare a configurator
 If you built it yourself by choosing a CPU, motherboard and GPU, then you should know the chip used.
 If it is a laptop, you may not know, so use Speccy or something similar on Windows, or find out the chip used from the ID in the driver information.
 It is easier to prepare a configurator to do the configuration. If you can configure config.plist directly in plistedplus or similar, you can do so as it will reduce mistakes.
The most famous ones are as follows.
Clover Configurator (Global Edition)
OpenCore Configrator

(2) Start by limiting the number of USBs.
 In most Generic-EFI cases, USB is not properly recognized, and the beginning of USB 2.0 should be recognized, and only the keyboard and mouse should be recognized. Once upon a time, I used to restrict it with UsbInjectAll.kext, but nowadays, I use USBMap.kext or USBPorts.kext.
 Select USB ports by USBMap.command
 Create USBPorts.kext from Hakintool to organize USB into 15 ports.
  In newer macOS (BigSur, etc.), you may not be able to open all USB ports. In such a case, it is a good idea to search for the ports you don’t need one by one and investigate them while specifying the boot augmentation as follows.


(3) Insert (set) the Kext that suits your environment.
 If you’re running MaLd0n’s generic EFI and you already have a USB-restricted kext, remove UsbInjectAll.kext (replace it with USBMap.kext or USBPorts.kext) and any other kext you don’t want. If you are using OpenCore, you can use Configurator to scan the kext and create a config.plist.
  Also, as for the ACPI aml file, since it belongs to MaLd0n, I think it will work if you bring it from Dortania and replace it, so you can try it.
(4) Set up SMBIOS correctly.
 If at all possible, it is a good idea to match SMBIOS with an iMac or other device that matches your CPU. This is because you can expect a more stable operation.
 A simple and error free way is to use the Configrator for each of them and automatically assign them.
 One thing to remember here is that USBMap.kext and USBPorts.kext are product-name dependent. Don’t forget to fix the product name in the content.

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