少しづつHackntoshも終わるので、Ubuntuのページに?「UBUNTU Linux Install movie for beginners.」


Hackintosh, which everyone was happy with, has also calmed down.The next few years will also bring festivities for the 2020 model Intel-Macs.

This page deals with Hackintosh as Alpha (Mifjpn) page. But Hackintosh may end when Macs finally switch to M-series chips.

From now on, I will announce another hobby of Ubuntu (Moebuntu) on this web page.

お話の詳細は、Master Kudoのページに書いておきましたので、時間がなくて見れない方はそちらを参照してください。
I wrote the details of the story on the Master Kudo page, so if you don’t have time to watch it, please refer to it.

古いパソコンのちょっと使いや、マイクラサーバ等の各種サーバにも活躍:UBUNTU Linuxのインストール方法(Useful for a little use of old personal computers and various servers such as Minecraft servers: How to install UBUNTU Linux)

 そのはじめの動画はこれです。それは、ずんだもんの説明によるUBUNTUのインストールを目的とした動画です。Core 2 Duoでもそれなりに動くこと。ちょっと古いノートパソコンを自宅サーバにできること。さらに、メインパソコンに入れれば動画編集すらできます。
Here is the first video of it. It is a video for the purpose of installing UBUNTU explained by Zundamon. Core 2 Duo should work reasonably well. A little old laptop can be used as a home server. In addition, you can even edit videos if you put it on your main computer.

English subtitles are available.


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