[マインクラフト]UBUNTU Linuxによるお古のノートパソコンを使ったJava向け、簡単マインクラフト自宅マルチサーバの作り方。[Minecraft] How to make a simple Minecraft home multi-server for Java using an old laptop computer by UBUNTU Linux.(spigot1.19.3+Multiverse+crackshot+MGS4.0)


   :CrackShot Plugin Resource Pack 1.19.1で武器種類と見た目のリソースの統合を楽にする

1.まずはUBUNTU Linuxのインストールをする。

0. My thoughts on the required specs
Here is the old laptop I used for this server.

CPU:i5-3210M 2.50 GHz(Turbo Boost 3.10GHz)2Cores / 4Threds
Chipset:HM75 Express
GPU:HD Graphics 4000
LCD:15.6" TFT 1,366×768
LAN:1000Base-T RJ45 LAN-Connecter

It is a pretty weak spec from about 10 years ago. I got it secondhand on Mercari for around 10,000 yen ($100).
In order to use this laptop, I replaced the memory and SSD. This is because it can withstand use as a Minecraft server.

If you say “No, this isn’t the right spec for a Minecraft personal server", you’re wrong. Consider the following.

It seems that there is still a demand for rental servers for Minecraft servers, but since this game itself is old, it seems that there will be no heavy processes too.
 Reference: What I want to say to people who want to build Minecraft server

 MinecraftのサーバーをWindowsで快適にプレイするためには3.4Ghz以上でかつ4コア以上のCPUが搭載されているPCが推奨です。 また、Minecraftが動いているJavaというプログラムはメモリをかなりの量消費するため、PCのメモリが6GB以上あると快適に動作します。
A google search gives the following answers:
In order to play the Minecraft server comfortably on Windows, a PC with a CPU of 3.4 Ghz or more and 4 cores or more is recommended. Also, the Java program that Minecraft runs on consumes a considerable amount of memory, so it will work comfortably if your PC has 6GB or more of memory.

However, this is the case when a server is created on Windows, and there are many parts that are necessary for Windows itself to operate various services (for its own OS). It does not give correct knowledge about Minecraft servers that have actually existed since the Core2 era. Let’s consider the specs Windows needed 10 years ago. 4cores/3.4GHz/minimum 6GB Ram that seems to be not truth.

In other words, to put it bluntly, the current Windows itself needs specs. You don’t need the exaggerated specs that Windows requires just to run Minecraft’s Java service. You don’t need a fancy Windows to run a lightweight Java server. Simply use your head and use cheap and convenient Linux (e.g. UBUNTU).

0.1 「ポート開放」という言い方の誤解について。(読み飛ばして構いません)
0.1 Regarding the misunderstanding of the term “port open".(You probably don’t need to read this chapter.)
 正しくは:ufwコマンドは何かというとこうなります。ufw(Uncomplicated FireWall)は、ファイアウォールの設定を行うコマンドです。ですからポートを開放するコマンドではありません。
Even if you use a rental server that runs on Linux, there seems to be a misunderstanding about the meaning of “opening a port" with the ufw command.
Correctly: What is the ufw command? ufw (Uncomplicated FireWall) is a command to configure the firewall. Therefore, it is not a command to open a port.
参考:Windows ファイアウォールのポート開放(WindowsServer 編)
“Port opening" seems to mean unblocking ports to the outside world in Windows. But this is a Windows bias. Anyone who built a home web server knows this. The correct “port opening" is to allow communication of a specific port (external: port to the Internet) such as a router and associate it with a computer belonging to an internal IP address.
Also, Minecraft servers do encryption. But it has no login concept and will answer anyone, even with bans and whitelist restrictions. This doesn’t sound like very good security to me. When using a personal server among friends (sharing with friends), you have to open a port on the Internet. But opening the default port numbers that everyone knows is too risky. Some people say that you should assign a different port number to the outside (internet). (Realistically, that might be the best thing for now.) But I’m concerned that if a portscan attack persists, I might have a nasty problem.

1.まずはUBUNTU Linuxのインストールをする。
1. First, install Ubuntu Linux.
 まずはUBUNTU Linuxをインストールします。5年間サポートが有効なLTS版をぜひ使いましょう。今現在の最新のLTSは22.04LTSです。
 First install Ubuntu Linux. It’s convenient to use the LTS version with 5 years of support. The current latest LTS is 22.04LTS.
Simply put, you can install it by downloading the iso file from the UBUNTU site, writing it to a USB memory (with Rufus, etc.) and starting booting. If you have a 10-year-old laptop that probably won’t boot from USB, you can install it using the old but effective DVD-ROM method.
参考:古いパソコンのちょっと使いや、マイクラサーバ等の各種サーバにも活躍:UBUNTU Linuxのインストール方法(Useful for a little use of old personal computers and various servers such as Minecraft servers: How to install UBUNTU Linux)
Don’t get me wrong. The wrong way of thinking is the misunderstanding that “it is not a server unless you use the Ubuntu server version because it is for server use". It’s inconvenient and makes little sense. Most of the current Java version of Minecraft servers have a GUI mode that allows you to view logs and graphs of memory usage. So it doesn’t make much sense to save little memory to install a desktop environment.

2. Basic preparing the laptop server
2.0 IPアドレスを固定する
2.0 Configure your router’s DHCP to set a static IP address for this server
Current routers can fix the IP address of a specific computer by entering the MAC address and IP address in the DHCP (automatic lending of IP address) item. This method differs depending on the router, so please refer to your router’s manual for details on how to fix the IP address.
2.1 ノートパソコンで蓋を閉じていてもサスペンドモードになってしまったり、起動しないのを禁止する

2.1 Prohibit entering suspend mode or not booting when laptop lid is closed
 「/etc/systemd/logind.conf」という ファイルを編集し下記の様に行を変更します。端末(ターミナル)でnanoという簡単なエディタ(ファイルを書き換えるアプリ)を使って操作します。ターミナルを動かしたのちに以下のようにコマンドを打ちます。
Edit the file “/etc/systemd/logind.conf" and change the line as follows. Operate using a simple editor (an application that rewrites files) called “nano" on the terminal. After running the terminal, type the command as follows.
In the following explanations, when I say “Please type in a command", I mean using the terminal to type it in. In addition, although “$" is written in the description, it is not typed as a rule.

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/logind.conf

change this line to:

Press ^O^X (Ctrl-o, Ctrl-x) to rewrite the file and exit.
To apply this setting, you should type the following command.

$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind

If this command doesn’t work, it might be easier to apply by rebooting.

2.2. Enable remote desktop for monitoring and remote control from other computers
The server has no chance of being touched directly unless it is rebooted from another backup boot USB stick or similar. In other words, servers are usually placed out of the way. In addition, the lid of the server laptop is often left closed. You don’t have to take it out to change the settings one by one. Therefore, it would be nice to be able to monitor and remotely control it from another computer using remote desktop.
First of all, from Ubuntu22.04LTS, connection is basically based on the RDP standard. (It used to be a VNC connection. It seems to have become an auxiliary thing, so it’s still being debugged. So it may not be possible to connect with a VNC connection.)
2.2.1.Server-side settings
Leave the login keyring blank so that the connection password does not change automatically.
Enter “password and key" as shown below and click to execute.

Right-click Login in the right pane of the “Passwords and Keys" app window that appears. Next, left click on “Change Password".
The following window will appear, and if you have previously set a password for your keyring, enter that password. If you haven’t set it, you may leave it blank and continue.

Next you will be prompted to set a password for this keyring. In that window, leave the password blank (both in the top and bottom boxes) and press “Continue".
Then the following window will appear.
You are advised that “other people may take advantage of this keyring password" by the server. Actually, you can decide the name and password for entering the remote desktop of this server yourself. Also, since this server is within the local address of your home, it is not connected to the outside Internet, so please be assured that there is no real problem. So just click “Continue".
Next, set the remote desktop name (ID) and password, and enable server remoting. Click the upper right portion of the top bar and click Settings. In the right pane of the settings window that pops up, click Share. Turn on the slide switch next to “Share" in the title of the window. Enter any name in the “Computer Name" box.

Then click Remote Desktop in this window.
In the “Remote Desktop" window that appears above, set the switches and check boxes at the top in the same way as the image above. Enter your Username (usually in email address format) and Password at the bottom of the window. (These are the “name (ID)" and “password" required when remote desktop.)サーバ側のファイヤウォールの設定 Server-side firewall settings
The one-time(first time
) only command is “firewall set to be enabed (and in principle keep closed)" command. 

$ sudo ufw enable
$ sudo ufw  default  deny

Now, I want to release the firewall for remote desktop related ports. In the protocol (rule of communication) called RDP that is used all the time, the server side waits on the port number of 3389.
I recommend opening the port number 5900 and 5901 for VNC.
The VNC is easy and I’d like to use from now on,I think.

$ sudo ufw allow 3389
$ sudo ufw allow 5900
$ sudo ufw allow 5901
$ sudo ufw  reload

To be more specific, there is also a setting called tcp/udp, but I don’t care much because it’s at home. If you are interested, please check and set it.
2.2.2. Settings on the remote desktop client side
I will explain based on mRemoteNG that runs on Windows 11.
Set the IP address, username, and password as shown in the image above. Also, in some cases, connection was not possible unless the color setting was set to “Full Color".
2.2.3 リモートデスクトップのための細かな設定(サーバ側)
2.2.3 Another detailed settings for remote desktop working(server side)
In the settings, “Blank screen" must be set to “No". (This is because you will not be able to enter the remote desktop when blank.)

Additionally, use xscreensaver to protect your LCD, as it will disconnect when blanked. Install with a command like the following.

$ sudo apt install xscreensaver xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-gl-extra

Then, add the following items in “Auto-start application settings" so that the screensaver works.

xscreensaver -nosplash

2.2.4. Installation of openjdk and selection of version to use for Java
A different version of JDK may be required depending on the Java type of the Minecraft server. Therefore, first check which version of openjdk can be installed with the following command.

$ sudo apt search openjdk-.*-jdk$

The result of this command will appear in the following format:

openjdk-8-jdk/xenial-updates,xenial-security 8u252-b09-1~16.04 amd64
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)

If you get a “Java version error" when you run the Minecraft server, I think you should install the necessary open-jdk and switch to it.
In this case, it was necessary “The version of open-jdk was 17", so I installed it using the following command.

$ sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk

If you need another version, look at the results of the previous check and install open-jdk in the same way. Then you can select the version that should work with the following command:

$ sudo update-alternatives –config java

3. Obtained by building the minecraft server spigot
 マインクラフトサーバにspigotを選びました。たどり着くまでいろいろ試しました。あとでMiutiverse coreなどのPluginを入れます。craftbukkitは重いらしいとの噂があります。mohistはModとPlugin使えると聞いていますが、最新になるのに時間がかかるので開発版になってしまい。Pluginでエラーを起こしました。paperは軽いので良いとの噂ですが、これもPluginでエラーを起こしてしまいました。
I chose spigot for minecraft server. I tried many different types of servers until I got there. I will add the ”Mutiverse core" etc. as plugin later. Rumor has it that the craftbukkit is heavy. I heard that mohist can use Mods and Plugins, but it takes time to update, so it’s a development version,and I got an error in the plugin using this server. It is rumored that paper is good because it is light, but this also caused an error with Plugin.
3.1. build spigot
Create a suitable folder (build.spigot156). I made it on my home folder.
If you want to work with folders (directories), use a filer on your desktop. If the remote desktop is already ready, you can close the lid of the server, and you don’t need to put it in such a convenient place, so just put it in a suitable place. Operate comfortably using mRemoteNG from your main computer.

Download BuildTools.jar of the latest build from the following Jenkins site (web page) using firefox, etc.
Run BuildTools.jar by specifying the current directory of the terminal (that is, the current directory to be referenced when executing the command) in the “build.spigot156" folder created earlier. For example, I created a build.spigot156 directory in my home directory and put BuildTools.jar into it, so I typed the command below to execute it.

$ cd ~/build.spigot156
$ java -jar BuildTools.jar –rev 1.19.3

 このコマンドでspigot-1.9.3.jar がビルド(生成)されます。
This command builds (generates) spigot-1.19.3.jar.
4. Starting the server and installing plug-ins
Next, create a directory to actually run the server. I created a directory named “minecraft" in my home directory and a directory named “spigot-1.19.3" above it.     
 そうしたら、spigot-1.19.3.jarをこのディレクトリにコピーしてください。Modやplugin を置く前に、一度このサーバプログラムを動かして初期状態のファイルやディレクトリ等を作らせます。私はホームディレクトリの上の「minecraft/spigot-1.19.3」ディレクトリにこのサーバを置いて動かすので、以下のようにコマンドを打てばいい事(つまりspigot-1.19.3.jarを実行する事)になります。
Then copy spigot-1.19.3.jar into this directory. Before placing mods and plugins, run this server program once to create initial files and directories. I will put this server in the “minecraft/spigot-1.19.3" directory above my home directory for running it, so all I have to do is type the following command (that is, execute spigot-1.19.3.jar) .

$ cd ~/minecraft/spigot-1.19.3
$ java -Xms1G -Xmx4G -jar spigot-1.19.3.jar

Now you can see the log of this spigot server on your terminal. In addition, a gui screen (that is, a server window screen like the one below) will be displayed on the computer display. This server waits for the client (that is, the Minecraft game side) after generating a series of worlds. Once the server has completed all initial operations and is waiting for the client, type a “stop" command on the server’s terminal to stop it.

4.0.1. 「You need to agree to the EULA …」と表示され、spigotが終了する際の措置
4.0.1. Measures to be taken when “You need to agree to the EULA …" is displayed and spigot is terminated
On your desktop, open the filer and open the directory where spigot-1.19.3.jar is located. There is eula.txt, so double click it. The editor will launch. Therefore, replace “eula=false" with “eula=true". You agree to the terms of use. If you want to read the terms of use in detail, please see “EULA (terms of use)".

4.0.2. Firewall configuration for spigot server
Configure the firewall settings for the spigot server (allow). The port number is 25565. Type the command as follows.

$ sudo ufw allow 25565
$ sudo ufw reload

4.1. Plug-in installation
4.1.1. Install worldedit-bukkit
 まず、以下のウェブページからspigotのバージョンに対応している。worldedit-bukkit をダウンロードします。今回は1.19.3でしたので、現在時点で「worldedit-bukkit-7.2.13.jar」をダウンロードしました。このファイルをspigot-1.19.3.jarの入っているディレクトリ上の「plugins」ディレクトリにコピーします。ここで本来であれば一度、spigotサーバを起動してworldedit-bukkitの初期的なディレクトリやファイル等の用意をさせるといいとも思いました。しかし、他のプラグインも入れてからでも問題がなさそうなので、次に進みたいと思います。
First of all, the following web page,Download worldedit-bukkit that corresponds to the version of spigot. The version is 1.19.3, so I downloaded “worldedit-bukkit-7.2.13.jar" at this time. Copy this file into the “plugins" directory in the directory containing spigot-1.19.3.jar. Here, I thought it would be better to start the spigot server once and prepare the initial directory and files of worldedit-bukkit. However, since there seems to be no problem, even to start spigot after installing other plug-ins, I would like to proceed to the next step.
WorldEdit for Bukkit

4.1.2. Installation of Multiverse-Core and Multiverse-Potals
Download Multivirse-Core from the following website.
The current file was “Multiverse-Core-4.3.1.jar". Copy this file too to the “plugins" directory in the directory containing spigot-1.19.3.jar.
Download Multiverse-Potals from the following web page.
The current file is “Multiverse-Potals-4,2.1.jar". Copy this to the “plugins" directory in the directory containing spigot-1.19.3.jar similar to other plugins.

4.1.3. Installation of CrackShot
This plugin is for adding guns. I think it’s a matter of playstyle, so if you don’t want it, you don’t need to include it. I just put it in because my son wanted a multiserver with guns. Download the CrackShot plug-in from the following web page.

The file that can be downloaded is “CrackShot.jar". Just like any other plugin, copy it to the “plugins" directory in the directory containing spigot-1.19.3.jar.
Apparently CrackShot is an old and new plugin. Use forge on the Minecraft client side, install Optifine, and then add resources for displaying guns. And,we can be customized by matching handmade resources and server side configuration files. It is for the deepen hobbyist. This time, I found a resource pack for 1.19.1 that almost has server-side files. I think that is convenient to try it, so I installed it.
However, if you are thinking of introducing CrackShotPlus, which has a similar name, I think you should stop using it. It is checked on the net that there is no backward compatibility.
参考:Why can’t crackshot /shot config reload今まで入れたプラグインの初期化と調整 Initialization and adjustment of installed plugins
Now run spigot once to initialize the plugin (create initial directories and files). I puted this server in the “minecraft/spigot-1.19.3" directory above my home directory. So I just type the following command (that is, execute spigot-1.19.3.jar ).

$ cd ~/minecraft/spigot-1.19.3
$ java -Xms1G -Xmx4G -jar spigot-1.19.3.jar

 つぎに、「CrackShot」のサーバ側の武器を作ります。以下のWebページから、「BASICCONFIG」ボタンを押して、「BASE CONFIG.txt」をダウンロードします。
Next, we will create a server-side weapon for “CrackShot". Download “BASE CONFIG.txt" from the following web page by pressing the “BASICCONFIG" button.
CrackShot Plugin Resource Pack 1.19.1

 この「BASE CONFIG.txt」を、ファイラを使って「ダウンロード」ディレクトリでコピーをします。そして、「spigot-1.19.3.jar」を置いたディレクトリの中の「plugins/CrackShot/weapons/」ディレクトリの中にペーストしてください。そのディレクトリにはもともと「defaultWeapons.yml」があります。この「defaultWeapons.yml」をゴミ箱に入れましょう。そして「BASE CONFIG.txt」を名前を変更で「defaultWeapons.yml」に名前を変えてください。つまりは、「BASE CONFIG.txt」で「defaultWeapons.yml」を置き換えてくださいということです。
Copy this “BASE CONFIG.txt" in the “download" directory using a filer. And paste it in the “plugins/CrackShot/weapons/" directory in the directory where you put the “spigot-1.19.3.jar". That directory originally has a “defaultWeapons.yml". Let’s put this “defaultWeapons.yml" in the trash. Then rename “BASE CONFIG.txt" to “defaultWeapons.yml". In other words, replace “defaultWeapons.yml" with “BASE CONFIG.txt".
Next, double-click “defaultWeapons.yml" to see the contents in the editor. Lines 1 and 2 are explanations of this file, so they are not correct as yml. So put “#" at the beginning of the line

 これで、CrackShotのサーバ側の設定は終わりです。ここで、クライアント側の説明もしておきます。以下のWebページをブラウザで見て「DOWNLOAD TEXTURE PACK」ボタンを押して、ダウンロードしてください。今現在は「crackshot-resources-1-19-1-finished.zip」がダウンロードできました。このファイルは、クライアントのリソースフォルダに入れて、適用してください。1.19.1用なので「本当に適用してよいか」の質問のウインドウが出ますが続けて適用しても問題はありませんでしたし、きちんと銃の表示もできました。
This completes the server-side configuration of CrackShot. Here’s a client-side explanation. View the following web page in your browser and press the “DOWNLOAD TEXTURE PACK" button to download. Right now you can download “crackshot-resources-1-19-1-finished.zip". Put this file in the client’s resource folder and apply it. Since it is for 1.19.1, a window is displayed as “Do you really want to apply it?" So, push yes button to apply it.
CrackShot Plugin Resource Pack 1.19.1
For the commands of this plugin, please refer to the following web page.

4.1.4.For Multivirse-Core(In the middle, insert MGS4.0)
 クライアント側(つまりマインクラフトの接続をするほう)で、Multiverse coreで初めのスポーンポイントである、worldをimportして、初期化します。(これをしないと、MGS4.0のdatapackが入れられません。)サーバを以下のコマンドで起動します。

$ cd ~/minecraft/spigot-1.19.3
$ java -Xms1G -Xmx4G -jar spigot-1.19.3.jar

次にクライアントを起動してこのサーバに接続し、「/mv import world normal」と打ち込めばいいはずです。この操作が終わって接続を切ったら。


On the client side (that is, the one that connects to Minecraft), import and initialize the world, which is the first spawn point in the Multiverse core. (If you don’t do this, MGS4.0 datapack can’t be installed.) Start the server with the following command. Then you should start your client, connect to this server, and type “/mv import world normal". After this operation is completed, at second, you disconnect from the server. Type “stop" to the server,and you must finish server connection(s) correctly.Wait until the command request “…$" in the terminal appears. (If it doesn’t appear, press enter.)
 ※つぎに、サーバ上で、MGS4.0のデータパックを入れます。以下のYOUTUBEページの概要欄の「Datapack (1.19.3):」からダウンロードしてください。今現在は、「MGS_4.1.2_datapack.zip」が手に入りました。
*Next, put the data pack of MGS4.0 on the server. Please download from “Datapack (1.19.3):" in the summary column of the following YOUTUBE page. Now I could download “MGS_4.1.2_datapack.zip".
Double-click on the filer to expand it. Copy the unzipped folder to “datapacks" in the “world" directory in the directory with “spigot-1.19.3.jar". (In my case, the directory with “spigot-1.19.3.jar" is ~/mincraft/spigot-1.19.3/.)

When using Multivirse-core, the basic configuration is a directory called “world" where characters first spawn. So by putting the data pack there as well, it works for the whole world. (Therefore, it seems necessary to import world first.) The Multivirse-core command is written on the following web page, so please refer to it.
Plugin Explanation: Multiverse-Core
 ワールドのデータパックとして入れるので、話の途中でMGS4.0を入れることになっています。もし、銃がいらなければ入れなくても構いません。(ひとまずは、データパックをMultivirseでどう使うのかがわかりました。)クライアント側でのMGS4.0の対応は、さきほどのYOUTOUBEの概要欄の「Resource Pack (1.19.3):」から、Resourceをダウンロードしてクライアントに入れることです。
Since it will be included as a world data pack, MGS4.0 is supposed to be included in the middle of the story. (If you don’t want a gun, you don’t have to put it in. For the time being, I learned how to use the data pack with Multivirse.)
For the support of MGS4.0 on the client side, see “Resource Pack (1.19.3):" in the summary column of YOUTUBE.
Download it and put it in your client resource directory, and apply it.
*MGS4.0 YOUTUBE description page:


Posted by masterkudo