中古ノートパソコンを使ってUBUNTUでお気楽簡単自宅サーバを作ろう。リモートデスクトップ設定編、Let’s make a comfortable and easy home server with UBUNTU using a used laptop. Remote desktop setting

“Let’s make a comfortable and easy home server with UBUNTU using a used laptop. Remote desktop setting", I will create a server environment (set with remote desktop) with UBUNTU. This time it is an introduction of the basic part.

What I want to set in the basic function part is the following.
〇Always on (because I want to add functions and always wait for connection)
〇Even if the lid is closed, “does not suspend", “can restart"
〇 Create an environment where you can connect UBUNTU’s remote desktop (RDP) and VNC as a supplementary
〇 If you do not release the key ring, the remote desktop password will change, so release it.
〇For the sake of safety, basically do not listen to firewalls and walls, and allow only RDP and VNC (as a function at the moment).
*Introducing mRemoteNG settings as an RDP client.

0. No need for fancy equipment.
A server computer is a server because it is made with a server CPU, RAID is used even though it is not used by 100 people at once, RAID mirroring and backup are confused, server version OS is a server, SSH and FTP are a server , Proxmox is the trend, so I put it in. it’s a commercial server, it has to be SSH and FTP But it’s completely meaningless for a home server used by 3 or 4 people.
Because It’s enable that a light Linux desktop with environment of 0.2 GB on a PC with several GB, it’s too pointless to make at a server version OS.
“It’s directly connected to the local environment. If you have a desktop, you can see various usage amounts in graphs, but you don’t use remote desktop, so you can’t use it… Oh God!" It’s sad.

1. Fixed IP address
Current routers usually have a DHCP function, but they recognize from the MAC address and lease a fixed IP. Let’s use this function to set.

2. Make it possible to start even if the lid is closed. Also, don’t suspend.
 Edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf to
 And reboot.

3. Unlock the keyring (Prevent the remote desktop password from changing automatically.)
In Activities, activate “Passwords and Keys". From “Login" in the right pane of that window, select “Unlock". (The password is the same as the login password.) Next, select Change Password from “Login" in the same right pane, enter the login password in the original password, and do not enter anything in the new password (blank ).

4. Configure remote desktop settings.
Open the “Settings" window and press Share in the right pane. Turn on the switch to the right of “Share" in the title.
 Press “Remote Desktop" in the left pane. In the window with the same name that appears, turn on the “Remote Desktop" switch. Check the “Enable legacy VNC protocol" checkbox, press the three dots to the right and check the “Require password" radio button. Turn on the “remote control" switch at the bottom. Change the “user name" of “Authentication" at the bottom to “zundamon@outlook.jp" and a name with a domain. (It seems to be due to Windows Remote Desktop policy.) Set “Password".

It is closed by default and configure your firewall to allow only Remote Desktop. RDP is port number 3389. Just to be sure, allow VNC port numbers 5900 and 5901 as well. Please set with the following command.

$ sudo ufw enable
$ sudo ufw default deny
$ sudo ufw allow 3389
$ sudo ufw allow 5900
$ sudo ufw allow 5901
$ sudo ufw reload

5.1. Display and understand each address.
Get the MAC address (in the format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) and the IP address (mostly in the format 192.168.X.X) by typing the command below. In particular, the MAC address is a unique number for that computer, so it can be used to set a fixed IP address with a router.

$ ip a

Now reboot to ensure that the various settings are applied to the computer.

6. Use and setting of remote desktop software “mRemortNG" on the client side
There are various remote desktop clients, but this time I will try remote desktop from the client side using “mRemoteNG". Download from the following web page.
Create a new connection in the top left pane of mRemoteNG. Since the connection destination is selected as it is, make specific settings in the lower left pane. Set the connection destination name, IP address, login name and password for connection. They may have already fixed the bug, but just in case, set the color mode to 32-bit full color.
 設定完了後に左上ペインの接続先名を押せば、すぐに接続されます。最大化してリモートデスクトップペインウインドウのタブから「Smart Size」を選択し適応させます。この機能によりリモートデスクトップは、今のウインドウの大きさにフィットされて全体を見えるようになるため、操作が便利になります。これから後の設定処理はこのリモートデスクトップから行います。
After completing the settings, if you press the connection destination name in the upper left pane, you will be connected immediately. Maximize and select “Smart Size" from the tab of the remote desktop pane window to adapt. With this function, the remote desktop can be fitted to the current window size and the whole can be seen, making it convenient to operate. From now on, the configuration process will be done from this remote desktop.

7. Enable remote desktop at any time by setting never to blank screen
Open the Settings window and select Power Management from the left pane. In the right pane of this window, there is “Blank screen", so select “No" for this item. Now you can connect to remote desktop anytime. However, since the LCD may burn in as it is, I will install a screen saver. Type the following command.

$ sudo apt install xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra

 このままだとスクリーンセーバーは、自動で起動はしないので、GNOME desktopの「自動起動するアプリケーションの設定」に、以下のコマンドを入れます。
If this is the case, the screensaver will not start automatically, so enter the following command in the GNOME desktop’s “Auto-start application settings".

xscreensaver -nosplash

By default, the screen saver will work after 10 minutes, so there should be no problem.

This is the end of the explanation of the setting method.
I made a series of operation methods into a youtube video, so if you want to know more than the above explanation, please watch it. It has English subtitles.




Posted by masterkudo