マインクラフトサーバー(JAVA版)の3サーバー化(2台のPCで)Make 3 servers of Minecraft server (JAVA version) (on 2 PCs)

That’s what I actually found out. This server has an index of 1 GB (JAVA version) for 2 people. Then, TPS is capped at 20, and measures are taken to not slow things down by watchdogs against ticks.

Therefore, a single thread of 1 CPU is important in order not to make it really heavy. On the server, 20 TPS just becomes 16 or 13, and it feels a little unpleasant, and it becomes a countermeasure target (mob-erasing).

After all, the 20 TPS limit can’t be exceeded, so no matter what you do, your thread will never get 100% CPU utilization. (Except when starting up, etc.)

Even if you set nice to -20, it doesn’t use all the CPU. Therefore, in order to effectively use the CPU and not make it heavy, it is necessary to divide the servers so that everyone is distributed.

Conceptually, this is a creative server.
The heaviest are the chunks that the server creates on the plane when flying the plane. A wide range is cached in advance, but at 600Km/h it leaves the range in tens of seconds. So the server handling this should be the fastest and shouldn’t have to worry about other maps.

The second service is for residential and factory use. Even if many people are involved in this, there are no major movements, so I don’t think much CPU power is required. I made one PaperMC server for i5-3750m (however, because it is old-fashioned, TDP is large and faster) server.

  The SQL server for inventory and permissions was left to a slow PC. SQL is an old language and I’m not very good at it, but I managed to learn it.

Now that the rough adjustment and assembly is over, we will ensure that there are no problems when users from the net do something. You will have to reconfigure the guard relationship. It’s a bit of a hassle, but it’s also a way to have fun with my son.

Later, I will write a Web page that introduces the included plug-ins and data packs, and an easy-to-understand introduction to MariaDB.


Posted by masterkudo