What is the reason why Apple believers are shady? Payments to phony brands are no different than institutional investors.


I have always used operating systems as indiscriminately as possible. UNIX, Linux, Windows, macOS, CP/M, etc.
Regarding OS and CPU, I think that those innovations are happening quite effectively if they have a sense of 10 or 20 years.
I think that creative destruction is natural and effective for growth capitalism.

But why are Apple products so expensive? I think the only change in the latest iPhone is the camera, and we all know that it will soon become obsolete. And while the Mac OS is free, Apple quickly makes older Macs obsolete, rendering them unusable without expensive replacements.

On the other hand, what about computers other than Macs? In these areas, competition has arisen and good products are appearing. Big innovations seem to be obsoleting at a reasonable rate in big cycles

In the absence of major innovation, companies take a variety of strategies. Apple took a brand strategy. Maintain value with the brand and raise the price. It means that you can get a good deal if you sell it second hand after a few years.

Is that same from an investor chasing a brand isn’t that?

But really, in liberal capitalism, it should be the cheapest to keep using the equipment as long as it doesn’t show any problems even if the equipment is declining.

Computers are no longer a luxury item. It’s just too weird to force people to buy a usable device by forcing it to become obsolete.

There’s a strange anomaly here for Apple devotees. A computer is an IT device. It doesn’t matter which device you use as long as the results are the same. But Apple devotees believe in the value of the brand, they pay the price, they believe it’s privileged.

My friend Alpha is a used $60 Windows laptop running the latest macOS Ventura. Moreover, he ran the latest Xcode on the machine to prove that the program can be successfully developed.

This video has English subtitles.

He plans to see if he can do the same thing for $50 in the future.

In this video, the facilitator says:
“The latest Mac is 40 times the price, but it’s only about 10 times faster."

Apple followers mistakenly believe that they belong to the privileged class with the remaining 30 times the fee. And by showing off the computer, he’s trying to convince you that he is wealthy and attractive.

The main problem is that Macs and Windows PCs run at the same speed with the same results, but they’re expensive for that nonsensical brand. Everyone already knows that the brand of the Mac itself is a fake, hollow value/price gouging.

Apple feared it. Therefore, we made processors after M1 with SoC technology. The processor looks fast, but the iGPU completely underperforms the competition.

They presented the iGPU with graphs that could be seen as an insane deception. That was sheer folly.

And Apple and its followers will say: “From now on, CO2 measures will be important. Our brand is valuable for that and the price is justified.”

But how ironic! Wireless charging will become mainstream for the iPhone to maintain its elegant form. However, the efficiency can even reach 50%. No matter how many power plants there are, isn’t that enough? It will be obvious to anyone that this fact is completely inconsistent with the CO2 problem.




Posted by masterkudo